Ukraine today and Five Years Ago

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Situated in Eastern Europe Ukraine is the second largest country after Russia. In today’s time, Ukraine is at war with its border-sharing country Russia. The Russo-Ukraine war was started in 2014 and has now escalated leading to a mega destructive war. The Russian invasion and capture of Ukraine’s land have led to mass destruction

Five years ago, Ukraine was a major tourist spot that attracted almost 10 million tourists. The Seven Wonders of Ukraine was one of the most popular attractions of the country. The elected president tried to make the country free of corruption and by creating better infrastructure.

However, today, Ukraine is in the midst of a critical situation, both internally and externally. A peace-favouring country is at war with the world’s largest country, Russia. This overwhelming situation caused people to flee their homes and start a new life.  The promise of the president in making the country more developed and richer in heritage and culture has reversed to shreds. Its buildings have been collapsing of bombs and scars. Its people have died in large number Over 10,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed.  People have lost their jobs, their businesses have shattered, and the life of these people are in tatters now. People of Ukraine have turned miserable at how to look at future.

Ukraine had made remarkable progress in the previous years by overcoming corruption, economy, and peace as a nation. However, the country has turned into shambles due to the war. The people are afraid, the military power is becoming week, and the food rationing has become difficult day by day. 1 in 5 families are food insecure. It is high time the war comes to an end and the world be at peace again.

First Writer-

Ms. Rashi Arora

B.A. Hons. (English), 4th Semester

(Roll Number: – 23/SMEH/BA(ENG)/040)
Department of English

School of Media Studies and Humanities
Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad.

Second Writer-

Dr. Madhu Sharma

Assistant Professor

Department of English

School of Media Studies and Humanities

Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad.

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