Wall-E Movie Review

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Annie Phileman – Class: BA HONS. (English), College: MRIIRS

Wall E is an animated movie, produced by Pixar. The movie was written by Andrew Stanton along with co-writers, John Lasseter, Pete Docter and Joe Ranft. The idea of Wall-E was conceived by these writers during a lunch in 1994.  Wall-E succeeds at being not only a fantastic watch but also a visual wonderment and a enthralling science-fiction animation. Wall-E is mostly a film that works without dialogue but this feature only adds to the spirit of the movie as Wall-E is a planetary movie and the message of this movie must reach masses, crossing all language barriers.

The movie begins with a look around our planet. It is seven hundred years into the future and the skyscrapers tower all around, but with a closer look, those ‘skyscrapers’ are not skyscrapers at all! Those are towers of garbage, piled neatly by the one and only creature that stirs in this dump field and that would be our protagonist, Wall-E. He is a tiny robot with binoculars for eyes and a few sounds he makes are rattles and electronic purrs and that is all to Wall-E’s vocabulary. Though Wall-E can be rightfully called anthropomorphic as they convey a lot of emotion that does not fail to move the audience.

Although where are humans? Why is the only creature in this planet Wall-E? Why has he been left to deal with the mess all by himself for the past seven hundred years? The answer to all these questions would be, that humanity has managed to destroy the earth and instead of trying to fix the mess that they created, they choose to leave our precious home behind until the robots they designed can fix the planet for them and only return when the job is done. Although on the ship, where humanity now lives, “Axiom”, humans have become so dependent on technology that they no longer even walk, they move around in their hovering chair, they have got to the point where they no longer connect with other people, instead they live in a virtual world of connections instead of a physical one. This shows how negatively technology has affected Humanity.

So, for the past seven hundred years, Wall-E practices the same routine, He scoops up trash and forms them into neat cube through shoving them in his belly and climbs on his tractor treads and head up a winding road to the top of his latest skyscraper, to place it neatly into a pile. He comes home at night to a big storage area, where he has gathered a few treasures from his “hunts” of the garbage and decorated them with Christmas lights. He wheels into his rest position and goes into sleep mode. Tomorrow is another day but for Wall-E it would be another one the thousands since humans left.

One day, Wall-E’s age old routine breaks when a sleek spaceship scoops him up along with his most recent and precious discovery, a tiny, perfect green plant, which he found growing in the rubble and transplanted in a shoe. At this point in the movie, we finally hear, speaking voiced other than Wall-E’s electronic purrs, these are humans. The Hoverchair family, known as they get around in the comfortable chairs that hover over surface and whisk them about the places without any of their effort. All theses humans are obese and lazy with no intentions to change their way.

This movie has a way of making people enjoy the story-line while also keeping them aware that this could become our reality if we don’t pay attention to our surroundings and our precious, and only planet. The movie’s colour pallet is bright and cheerful but not to the  extreme and somewhat realistic and grounded at the same time. The drawing style is comic book cool, as perfected in the funny comics more than in the superhero books. Everything has a stylistic twist to give it life. Although Wall-E looks rusty and plucky, he shows a lot of personality with body language and as previously mentioned, his binocular like eyes that coveys almost human emotions. This movie involved ideas, not simply mindless scenarios that only serve the purpose of entertainment and nothing beyond. While Wall-E is a fun watch, it is also mind provoking and it pushes us to ponder, what will our future be, if we continue on this track of destruction? Would we end up in a similar setting as the world in ‘Wall-E’ our would our fate be more punishing and crueller. The movie does send one message clearly, though. The earth is our only planet and no spaceship could replace it. Hence, we should care for what we have and respect the nature, and if we don’t, the consequences would be our to bear

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